Car parking resolved by car pooling

Car parking resolved by car pooling

Parking is a problem that needs no introduction. Every house, shop, market area even airports are facing the overwhelming issue of car or vehicle parking.

The situation is well known to everyone who as to travel on these busy roads no matter if he/she has a vehicle of their own or not, but they are commuting from one place to another and seeing a large portion of roads covered by parked vehicles speaks the truth of the humungous problem.

 Steps taken till now:

It is not that the scenario has only been recorded by the residents of the city and the city officials. As a matter of fact certain number of steps has been taken and several awareness activities have been conducted by the response has never been significant enough to curb the problem.

Every time when one person decides to take a step forward to ease the forever increasing parking problem yet others not supporting the cause brings the person back to square one as eventually the situation gets worsened for him.

 The daily scenario:

Since all of us have to commute from one place to another either for work, or going to college or even going to a supermarket, we all require a vehicle be it a four wheeler or a two wheeler. Here’s when the problem begins actually.

Everyone has to get their own vehicle even if they are going for a distance of less than a mile. For a pathway that has a fixed capacity but gets over run by the number of vehicles equal to the number of people travelling, the flow is slowed down.

And the stopping of people in between for several reasons which can make the running traffic wait for a minute is like icing on the cake.

 Reduce the parking to one-third:

 Yes, it is possible to reduce the parking by one fourth if all the citizens of the city come together and parking could be resolve like never before.

Let’s get back to the building blocks of counting and get a hold of the actual numbers. Assuming the vehicles on the roads consist of two and four wheelers, it implies that each of them can easily and comfortably accommodate 2 and 4 people respectively.

 So taking a pair consisting of one bike and a car, the seating capacity is 6 people which means instead of 3 pairs running on the road, only one is capable of doing the job for all of them.

Now that vehicles on the roads are decreased, the traffic flows at the fastest and the number of parking seekers is also reduced especially during the peak hours of the day.

Yet you must be thinking what about the rest of the duration of the day and even if numbers of driving vehicles are reduced, the vehicles do demand a parking space.

Well, this scenario also holds a solution. In spite of parking in an open area and facing issues of getting their vehicle towed, one can easily book a safe parking space.

 If still one is not able to find a parking space which is safe and sound and also causes no trouble to any other party then the one word solution is YoParker.

They provide free parking spaces in secured and maintained parking lots in your city and make sure you get a hassle free parking experience. One can visit the website or even download the app from the store for free and forget about the parking issues at all.

By Sugandha Singh on March 08,2019


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