Eliminating Traffic jams in India!

Eliminating Traffic jams in India!

Traffic Jams  In Our Nation 

From  past years , there is high demand for motor vehicles. Earlier motor vehicles were for only those who can afford but now their prices have plummeted and its more easily available to the people. India for an example took about 60 years to obtain 100 million vehicles and the next 100 million vehicles were bought in the last 10 years !

This drastic increase in vehicles has caused lots of strain on the roads and parking infrastructure etc. These things such as high population and vehicle density are making things worse  in India. These problems raise the risk of traffic jams in towns and cities.  Bengaluru  having the worst traffic crowding in the world, Delhi, Mumbai and Pune also abide in the top 10 source traffic crowding index.

What causes a traffic jam ?

There are many  reasons for traffic jams like lack of proper infra - structure, office rushing hours, illegal parkings on roadways etc. The main cause for traffic jams is improper parkings on  roads even when there's no parking written.  Because of such illegal parkings even the widest roads have traffic jams . Widening the ones which face traffic jams are not the solution because empty roads means more room for people to park vehicles. Inadequate parking infra - structure is the reason to blame when people park their vehicles in no parking spots. The root cause is absence of a proper inventory for parking sites and the lack of awareness.  

How can a smart parking platform help ?

An intelligent and skillful  parking system allows people to search and book a secure parking places for their vehicles. This two features to search and book will let people plan where they have to park their vehicle with proper security. These two features can control the  traffic jams problem. Car parking systems are  with smart sensors and devices which make the parking experience easy for the  users. 

The new normal and how Parkinghawker helps the cause.

In the  COVID-19 pandemic  light shed upon the problems in our day to day habits which aids in transmission of so many diseases. Social distancing, wearing of masks and using a hand sanitizer have become a new normal. People are distancing themselves from other people. Parkinghawker is a smart vehicle parking platform that allows you to search and book secure parking space for long and short term. Parkinghawker gives users a very seamless and contact-less experience which users are searching after the corona outbreak. Parkhawker also allows you to list out their free parking space into our platform which other users like you can find a parking space for them. This will help our weak parking infra - structure in the battle to control traffic crowdings. 

Join hands with Parkhawker and help us win this fight against these traffic jams.

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