NO Parking

NO Parking

NO Parking

Nowadays most of us are facing Parking problem. This issue has grown due to increase in  population. To tackle this problem, many solutions were tried and implemented. For instance, lucrative  parkings were been built where the vehicle owners would pay and park their vehicles at hourly rates. 

But due to the increase of vehicles in an are , the demand for off-street parking had also increased strenuously. Also Government made rules such as for every 1000 square feet of an area, there must be some particular number of parking spaces in that area.

In a recently conducted survey in India, the  municipal bodies in Delhi have place for 94,000 vehicles in 434 surface, stack and multilevel parking lots, besides space for a few thousand in 103 Delhi Metro stations, but the city has 31.6 lakh four-wheelers alone among 75 lakh registered and active vehicles. 

 And most of the parking spaces are located in malls, hospitals, stadiums, pubs etc  which are mostly vacant as they are private parking and are allowed for only hourly parking and users usually don’t go to these places. According to the calculations been made, on an  average a vehicle owner needs three parking spaces for their vehicle. First is at home, second is at his workplace and the third if the user goes out. 
A question now  arises that , where will a person park his vehicle who usually does not go to these places. Mostly the people who could not find a parking place, they illegally park their vehicle, at no - parking zones, roadside, or wherever they find space where their vehicle can fit easily. Such illegal parking results in vehicle theft, damages, traffic crowdings.

We assume that those who have their own house will be having their own parking place. This is not completely true. Three out of ten don't have parking spot for their own vehicles. The reason behind this is there are many apartments where parking spots are not provided to the residents . 

After their home, people will go to work and would want a parking spot  for their vehicle but mostly the number of vehicles exceeds the space available at the office premises. So, employees have to come early in order to get a parking place for their vehicle.

Other than home and office, people go to places like malls, markets, and many other places. Malls have parking spots but there are places like local market shops where they don't have proper parking spaces for their customers.

This issue of parking is not being solved completely.  We Parking Hawker, are trying our best  to solve some of the parking issues to some great extent by creating a smart parking system. Smart parking system doesn't mean vehicles will automatically search a parking spot and drive by itself to the parking places. 

Smart Parking System means people can use a platform where people will search nearby parking spots for their vehicle and check the availability of the space and can book a parking spot for their vehicle online in a very few clicks , just like people buy movie tickets to go and watch a movie .

 Usually People park their vehicles wherever they find a place to park which is  illegall park. To solve this problem, we have placed a search and booking option in our platform " PARKING HAWKER " . As we went deeper into the problem, we found there is a considerable amount of people who are looking desperately for parking spots on a monthly basis which means they own vehicles but don’t have their own parking space. 
As we went deeper to solve thia problem, we have  found that people are not getting parking spaces because there is a demand supply gap. People who have parking space but don’t have their vehicle can rent their parking place too just like people rent their flats, houses, etc. People are not aware that this can be a source of income where people don’t have to do any physical work.

As soon as the people become aware that they can rent their place for parking, the parking problem is solved where people need it on a monthly basis can be resolved to some good extent atleast. Another solution to this could be the parking place of the malls, stadiums, etc.

Such spaces are mostly vacan. So these can be used which is  profitable to both the parties, parking owners as well as the vehicle owners. Yes, it's true that these pre-existing parking places can't handle the upcoming demands of the parking. There is awareness missing because we are not taking this issue seriously. The issues are bigger than look. If you have any such vacant parking spaces, please feel free to reach us out.

Now Let us know if you also have similar parking problem, and what solution would you like to recommend to your office. You can write to us at

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