Parking Innovations all over the Globe

Parking Innovations all over the Globe

The parking problem is not limited to the grounds of our own city or network, it has spread all over the world because every other nation wants to called a developed one and in the process of achieving it, several problems have risen which now require great effort to be solved.

Many solutions have been experimented with and records say that not many of them have been a success in proving to be efficient. Yes they serve the purpose and can be implemented but thinking of doing the same on a large scale, we need improvisation in these. And this is the driving force which keeps people motivated to find better solutions. In attempt to doing so, we here list some of the examples of successful implementation:

  • In the Pearl West office situated in Boulder, autos are transported utilizing mechanical dollies. These mechanical dollies exchange the vehicles to cubby spaces present in the parking structure's stockpiling vaults
  • Carvana is a vehicle start-up that has a leaving setup like a candy machine. The vehicles are stowed in vertical leaving coves, and clients are given larger than average coins to sustain the openings. Keeping the coins sets off the riggings which at that point convey your vehicle
  • The Willoughby Square task arranged in Downtown Brooklyn expects to set up a mechanized underground parking area covering one-section of land space and lodging 700 vehicles. Drivers can maneuver into any of the 12 passages where the plasma screens, laser scanners, and mirrors will survey where the vehicle ought to be left. The vehicle will at that point be analyzed for measurements utilizing light sensors and cameras, and after that it will be brought down into the leaving vault. The derricks will separate your vehicle in flawless condition at whatever point you need it back.

We at YoParker are here on the same page with these plans and have brought an effective parking solution to you. Visit our website or download our app from the store and save the parking hassle.

Happy parking to you!

By Sugandha Singh on January 03, 2019


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