The concept of Valet Parking

The concept of Valet Parking

The concept of Valet Parking

While you were contrasting charges of parking's no doubt you've seen the term valet parking. Every significant parking lot offers a valet parking administration be it at any high appraised hotel or an airport. However, most regularly they have been seen on the motion pictures to give some examples of the valet parking spaces.

What is valet parking?

The basic distinction between valet leaving and normal parking is that when you use valet leaving, you don't need to park your vehicle yourself or hunt for a parking space. You drive to the destination you are going at and hand over your vehicle to a driver who will park your vehicle for you. The enormous favorable reason of choosing valet parking is sparing time. It is a type of rented parking.

How this does happens?

1. Reserve a space

You reserve a spot on the YoParker site where you can unmistakably have a look at the expenses for valet parking. You will get an affirmation message with clear guidelines of the parking inside a couple of minutes. In this content there will be a depiction of the area where you will meet the driver and there will be a phone number you should call before arriving.

2. You drive to the location

As opposed to traditional parking you will drive to the area as portrayed in the affirmation message where you will meet the driver to which you hand over your vehicle.

3. Hand over your vehicle keys

At the concurred time, a driver will sit tight for you at the notified area. Together with you they will check your vehicle for any harm, so there will be no mistaken assumptions later. The staff individual from the parking will take your vehicle keys and drive your vehicle to the parking lot while you proceed with your event. The driver will drive your vehicle to the garage and will leave it for you.

4. Take your vehicle back to home

The minute you come back after the occasion, you should call the parking supplier. When they realize you are there, a driver will drive your vehicle to the concurred area and will meet you there. You will both check the vehicle for any harms and you will have the capacity to proceed to your home soon after.

You can also book a valet parking using the mobile application from YoParker for a smooth valet parking experience.

Happy Parking to you!

By Sugandha Singh on January 17, 2019

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